How to Create a One Page Navigator in WordPress?

How to Create a One Page Navigator in WordPress?
As a site owner, you have created a one page website with different sections on the homepage. However, a drawback of having such a detailed homepage website is that your audience has to scroll through each and every section. This can hurt the user experience of your website and may even make your visitor walk away from your site. So, in order to make it easier to navigate different sections of your website, you may create section navigation.  How to Create a One Page Navigator in WordPress? If you are a WordPress user, one of the easiest ways to create...

How to Add Watermark to Images in WordPress?

How to Add Watermark to Images in WordPress?
Once your website is live, all the images present in it will be available on the web. Therefore, they will be available for download. So, if the images of your website are unique and beautiful, they are likely to get stolen and be used by other websites. To stop such acts and protect the images of your site, watermarking the image can be a handy option. This may not prevent your images to be stolen but will allow people to know the image came up from you even if it is taken without your consent. How to Add Watermark to...

How to Embed Facebook Video in WordPress Website?

How to Embed Facebook Video in WordPress Website?
Are you looking to embed Facebook video in WordPress website? Facebook videos have certainly been very popular attention grabbers on the news feed. So, embedding them on your website can boost user engagement as well as keep your visitors for a longer period of time. In this article, we will discuss different ways to embed the Facebook video on the WordPress website. There are mainly 4 different ways. They are: Directly Inserting Video via Gutenberg BlockEmbedding Video Using iFramesEmbedding Video from Facebook Video Embed API Directly Inserting the Video via Gutenberg Block This is the easiest way to embed a...

How to Change Date and Time Format in WordPress?

How to Change Date and Time Format in WordPress?
Do you want to change date and time format in WordPress website? By default, your posts will automatically display the inbuilt date and time set on your website. However, as a site owner, you may want to configure it and set it on your own format. It does not require any coding skills to do that. WordPress comes with an inbuilt option to configure the date and time format of your website.  Let’s check this out in detail: The first thing you need to do is login to your WordPress dashboard.  Then, go to Settings > General. After that, you...

How to Create a Multilingual Website on Total Theme Using Polylang?

How to Create a Multilingual Website on Total Theme Using Polylang?
In this article, we will discuss how to create a multilingual website from Total using the Polylang plugin. It will allow you to create a website that can be viewed in several languages. This will play a great role in expanding the reach of your website and generate conversions from non-english speaking zones. Total - Brief Description Total is a premium multipurpose WordPress theme that comes with tons of features to create any type of website. The theme contains 5 slickly designed demo websites that can be imported and installed in a single click. It comes with 18 different home...

How to Add Google AdSense to WordPress Website?

How to Add Google AdSense to WordPress Website?
One of the popular ways to monetize your website and earn money online is by using Google AdSense. It allows you to automatically sell the advertisement space of your website and have a passive earning for your business.  In this article, we will show you how you can add Google Adsense to the WordPress website. Before going through the process to set up Google AdSense, let’s discuss what actually is Google Analytics and why should you consider adding it to your WordPress website. Google AdSense - Introduction Google AdSense is a Cost Per Click (CPC) network run by Google to...

How to Reset a WordPress Website?

How to Reset a WordPress Website?
In this article, we will discuss how to reset a WordPress website. This will restore WordPress into factory settings and leave you with a fresh installation setting.  But before we go through the tutorial, let’s discuss some of the reasons why you would need to reset your WordPress database.  To Erase Mistakes When Creating: This one is an obvious reason. When you start out to build your website, you might make a mistake or two on the way. On that time, hitting the reset button and starting again can be the quickest and easiest resolution. A fresh WordPress installation will...

How to Embed PDF, Spreadsheet & Word File in WordPress Blog?

How to Embed PDF, Spreadsheet & Word File in WordPress Blog?
Are you looking to embed PDF, spreadsheet, word file or other media formats on your WordPress blog? If you are then, you are in the right place.  By default, WordPress comes with a powerful block editor that lets you insert media files like audio, video, tweets and Facebook posts on your blog posts through embed blocks. However, it is not possible to embed other media formats like PDF, spreadsheets, or word files. This feature is not available yet and could be added in the near future.  Till then, you will have to either place a downloadable file or use a...

How to Bulk Schedule Posts in WordPress?

How to Bulk Schedule Posts in WordPress?
One of the great features of WordPress is that it allows you to schedule the date and time to publish your blog posts. It means you can set the plan to make your post live even when you are not there. But when you run a website where you need to schedule lots of posts per day like an online newspaper, scheduling them one by one can be a real-time consumer. In that circumstance, using a bulk scheduling plugin can be a handy option. In this article, we will discuss how easily you can bulk schedule WordPress posts by using...