Best WordPress Halloween Deals and Discounts 2023

Best WordPress Halloween Deals and Discounts 2023
The spooktakular season Halloween is here. With the holiday season approaching and people enjoying trick or treating wearing spooky costumes and seeking out some treats in return. As Halloween approaches, businesses around the world seize the opportunity to show appreciation to their valued customers by offering special Halloween deals and discounts on their products and services. For buyers, that’s a great opportunity to make a purchase of their favorite items at a cut price. With that in consideration, we've compiled a selection of top-notch WordPress Halloween offers and savings. This compilation features WordPress companies offering remarkable deals and discounts on...

How to Add a Mini Floating Cart on Your Online Store?

How to Add a Mini Floating Cart on Your Online Store?
Looking for a smoother, more enjoyable shopping journey? Discover the convenience of our Mini Ajax Cart for WooCommerce - the perfect shopping companion.  Mini Ajax Cart for WooCommerce plugin on your e-commerce site provides a user-friendly, convenient, and engaging way for shoppers to interact with their cart throughout their shopping journey. By addressing common issue points and simplifying the process, it can increase the likelihood of users completing their purchases.   What is a Mini Floating Cart? A mini floating shopping cart is a frequently employed functionality in e-commerce websites, aimed at enhancing the user experience. It offers effortless accessibility for...

Uploading Custom Fonts using Hash Custom Font Uploader Plugin

Uploading Custom Fonts using Hash Custom Font Uploader Plugin
Are you tired of using the same old fonts on your website and want to make it look different? If you're not a coding expert, don't worry! We have a simple guide that will show you an easy way to add your favorite fonts to your WordPress themes. This documentation will take you through the process of uploading custom fonts, one step at a time, making it simple to give your website a unique style. PLUGIN INSTALLATION To begin customizing and uploading your font, you'll need to install a Plug-in called Hash Custom Font Uploader. *Note: This plugin is only...

How to Add Highlight Text in WordPress Post or Page? (With or Without WordPress Plugin)

How to Add Highlight Text in WordPress Post or Page? (With or Without WordPress Plugin)
Highlighting text on your WordPress posts can help you get the attention of your visitors to a specific text. This can be a great way to present a call to action, special offers, or add an emphasis to specific sentences.  In this article, we will discuss how easily you can highlight text in WordPress with or without using a WordPress plugin.  Method 1: Highlight Text in WordPress By Using WordPress Plugin The first thing you need to do in this method is install and activate the Advanced Editor Tools plugin on your WordPress website. The advanced Editor Tools plugin adds...

The Importance of Website’s Page Speed for SEO & Lead Generation

The Importance of Website’s Page Speed for SEO & Lead Generation
Website load time refers to how long it takes any of your pages to appear on the screen along with all the components like text, images, or videos. It depends on numerous factors you have to consider while building a website, but it all comes down to one thing – the longer it takes to load, the more you are likely to lose potential customers. Page speed has long been an important aspect of web design both in terms of user experience and search engine optimization. In a 2019 study, 70% of internet users said that the website load time...

How to track user activity on the WordPress site?

How to track user activity on the WordPress site?
Running a multi-user WordPress website can be challenging, especially if a lot of users have access to it.  To maintain full control over your website and prevent potential malicious attacks, we advise you to keep track of user activity.   Now, if you’ve already had some security breaches, we understand your concerns. Constantly worrying about website security is exhausting. Since custom web design companies can provide more safety, you can look here to find more information on custom website design. They’ll be able to address your concerns and answer all your questions. Even if that’s not the case, we advise you...

5 Best WordPress SEO Plugins for Generating More Website Leads

5 Best WordPress SEO Plugins for Generating More Website Leads
Lead generation is a process of attracting a person’s interest in your product or service. It involves creating awareness of your brand and building relationships with potential customers. The goal of lead generation isn't simply to get people to visit your website or buy your product; it's about developing trust and providing value to potential customers. There are many approaches to lead generation, and one of the most effective ways involves search engine optimization. However, implementing SEO strategies can be a complex and time-consuming process, especially if you're new to it. That's where WordPress SEO plugins come in handy. With...

How to Connect WordPress Website to Google Search Console?

How to Connect WordPress Website to Google Search Console?
Google Search Console is one of the must-have tools for all site owners. It gives an incredible amount of information about how your website is performing in search engines. This way, you will be able to understand what’s working on your website and what’s not. You can then plan for your content strategy accordingly. In this article, we will provide a tutorial to connect WordPress website to Google Search Console. But before we begin, let’s know what Google Search Console actually is and why it is important for the SEO of your website. What is Google Search Console? Google Search...

How to Launch WordPress Test Site in One Click?

How to Launch WordPress Test Site in One Click?
Sooner or later every WordPress site owner gets in a situation when there is a need for a new plugin for a specific purpose. So the search begins, in the official WordPress directory as well as the rest of the internet.  Top lists, reviews, and official homepages shall all be checked, but there is probably no better way for WordPress site owners to decide which plugin suits their needs best than to try it out themselves.  Doing this on the live site is not the best idea, as there are WP tables left behind the removed plugins, and there is...