How to Lazy Load on WordPress Website?

How to Lazy Load on WordPress Website?
In this article, we will discuss a reliable step that can be taken to speed up any type of website i.e. add lazy load on WordPress website. Here, we will describe what a lazy loading of the image really is, how it works and how it will help you to improve the loading time of your website. What is Lazy Loading? Lazy Loading is an optimization technique of loading the visible contents while delaying the rendering of the contents below fold. It is a very popular technique to optimize the speed of your website and many popular websites like buzzfeed...

How to Change Date and Time Format in WordPress?

How to Change Date and Time Format in WordPress?
Do you want to change date and time format in WordPress website? By default, your posts will automatically display the inbuilt date and time set on your website. However, as a site owner, you may want to configure it and set it on your own format. It does not require any coding skills to do that. WordPress comes with an inbuilt option to configure the date and time format of your website.  Let’s check this out in detail: The first thing you need to do is login to your WordPress dashboard.  Then, go to Settings > General. After that, you...

How to Create a Multilingual Website on Total Theme Using Polylang?

How to Create a Multilingual Website on Total Theme Using Polylang?
In this article, we will discuss how to create a multilingual website from Total using the Polylang plugin. It will allow you to create a website that can be viewed in several languages. This will play a great role in expanding the reach of your website and generate conversions from non-english speaking zones. Total - Brief Description Total is a premium multipurpose WordPress theme that comes with tons of features to create any type of website. The theme contains 5 slickly designed demo websites that can be imported and installed in a single click. It comes with 18 different home...

How to Add Google AdSense to WordPress Website?

How to Add Google AdSense to WordPress Website?
One of the popular ways to monetize your website and earn money online is by using Google AdSense. It allows you to automatically sell the advertisement space of your website and have a passive earning for your business.  In this article, we will show you how you can add Google Adsense to the WordPress website. Before going through the process to set up Google AdSense, let’s discuss what actually is Google Analytics and why should you consider adding it to your WordPress website. Google AdSense - Introduction Google AdSense is a Cost Per Click (CPC) network run by Google to...

10+ Best Free WordPress Gutenberg Block Plugins for 2024

10+ Best Free WordPress Gutenberg Block Plugins for 2024
With the release of WordPress version 5.0, Gutenberg has replaced the classic TinyMCE editor to become the default editor for the WordPress platform. Prior to the release, the main objective of Gutenberg is to build rich content layouts for even non-coders without having to use a plugin. This has completely revolutionized the way of creating the contents and a brand new experience to using WordPress. Gutenberg uses small drag and drop united called content blocks to add different elements to the editor. Content blocks can be anything like text, header, quote, multimedia, etc used for content creation. For laymen and...

How to Reset a WordPress Website?

How to Reset a WordPress Website?
In this article, we will discuss how to reset a WordPress website. This will restore WordPress into factory settings and leave you with a fresh installation setting.  But before we go through the tutorial, let’s discuss some of the reasons why you would need to reset your WordPress database.  To Erase Mistakes When Creating: This one is an obvious reason. When you start out to build your website, you might make a mistake or two on the way. On that time, hitting the reset button and starting again can be the quickest and easiest resolution. A fresh WordPress installation will...

How to Embed PDF, Spreadsheet & Word File in WordPress Blog?

How to Embed PDF, Spreadsheet & Word File in WordPress Blog?
Are you looking to embed PDF, spreadsheet, word file or other media formats on your WordPress blog? If you are then, you are in the right place.  By default, WordPress comes with a powerful block editor that lets you insert media files like audio, video, tweets and Facebook posts on your blog posts through embed blocks. However, it is not possible to embed other media formats like PDF, spreadsheets, or word files. This feature is not available yet and could be added in the near future.  Till then, you will have to either place a downloadable file or use a...

How to Bulk Schedule Posts in WordPress?

How to Bulk Schedule Posts in WordPress?
One of the great features of WordPress is that it allows you to schedule the date and time to publish your blog posts. It means you can set the plan to make your post live even when you are not there. But when you run a website where you need to schedule lots of posts per day like an online newspaper, scheduling them one by one can be a real-time consumer. In that circumstance, using a bulk scheduling plugin can be a handy option. In this article, we will discuss how easily you can bulk schedule WordPress posts by using...

How to Install Google Analytics in WordPress?

How to Install Google Analytics in WordPress?
In this article, we will discuss how to install Google Analytics in WordPress website. But before going through the setup process, here are some of the information that you need to know about Google Analytics and why you should consider using such a thing on your WordPress website. What is Google Analytics? Google Analytics is a free web analytics tool that can track and report website traffic. This will help you to know the taste of your traffic and allow you to determine what type of content you should focus on your website. In many ways, it can benefit a...