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Home Forums Total Theme installation failed.

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  • #48218
    Michael Ferreira

    Just purchased, downloaded the ZIP file, and tried to Add new theme into Word Press.

    Getting the following error:

    Installing theme from uploaded file: totalplus-v3.0.1.zip
    Unpacking the package…

    Installing the theme…

    The package could not be installed. The theme is missing the style.css stylesheet.

    Theme installation failed.

    Reading online some sites suggest I downloaded the “Wrong” zip file. Hashthemes only provides on button / option so that’s all I have.

    Any suggestions? I did email support yet no word back.



    You need to go to the plugin page to install it. Please follow the below process

    1. Go to Plugins > Add New.
    2. Click on the Upload Plugin button at the top of the page.
    3. Now Choose the downloaded zip file of the Total Plus plugin and click on Install Now button.
    4. Once installed, Activate the plugin.

    For detailed documentation with video, please check our documentation https://hashthemes.com/documentation/total-plus-plugin-documentation/


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