Home Forums Square Make the text in Featured Section a link. Just like the little + sign

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  • #355

    He there.
    I’m starting to work on this theme and use Featured Section, but one thing is annoying and not userfrindly for my visitors.

    And that is that you cant just click on the text in one of the 3 boxes in Featured Section, I have to move my mouse op, then the little icon shows and i can click on that.

    Is it possible to do it?



    Basically the theme is designed to work as it is now which is to open the detail page clicking on the small plus icon.

    If you want to make the title clickable or the whole block clickable then you will have to make edit in the code.

    We can guide you if you are comfortable with the code. Or you can even ask us for paid customization which would cost you only $15


    MMM please guide me.
    Im a little rusty in PHP but think i can manage if you guide me 🙂

    If It all goes bad i will pay you 🙂


    Open front-page.php file and find for the code

    <div class="sq-featured-post <?php echo 'sq-featured-post'.$i; ?>">
    	<div class="sq-featured-icon"><i class="fa <?php echo esc_attr( $square_featured_page_icon ); ?>"></i></div>
    	<h4><?php the_title(); ?></h4>
    	<div class="sq-featured-excerpt">
    		echo get_the_excerpt();
    		echo square_excerpt( get_the_content(), 120); 
    		<a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" class="sq-featured-readmore"><i class="fa fa-plus-square-o"></i></a>

    and replace it with

    <div class="sq-featured-post <?php echo 'sq-featured-post'.$i; ?>">
    <a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>">
    	<div class="sq-featured-icon"><i class="fa <?php echo esc_attr( $square_featured_page_icon ); ?>"></i></div>
    	<h4><?php the_title(); ?></h4>
    	<div class="sq-featured-excerpt">
    		echo get_the_excerpt();
    		echo square_excerpt( get_the_content(), 120); 
    		<a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" class="sq-featured-readmore"><i class="fa fa-plus-square-o"></i></a>

    Please be careful on replacing the code else you can leave you site blank with PHP error.



    Hi Guys,

    Did this work for you in the end?

    I am looking to get a link in the feature box myself – not the whole text but just one bit.

    It would be great if you could let me know how this worked out – If not i’d be happy to look at the paid customisation option for $15.

    Looking forward to hearing back from you.


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