Images have always been an integral part of web design. They are worth thousands of words to make your website appealing and engaging. It is one of the chief sources to make your website stand out to your crowd and attract visitors to your website. However, we have seen many websites that use the same old cheesy stock images. This is true and is mainly found in the website whose site owners or bloggers do not have any web design experience.
Thankfully there have been a growing number of websites that offer beautiful stock images that can be used on your website to complement your content and encourage your visitor to stay on your site. Best of all, they are all free to use and most of them do not ask any type of credit or attribution for using the images. So, if you are looking for a stock image to add it on your website, this is the article for you.
Here we are going to discuss the best free stock photo websites that will provide you the required resources for your website. We will provide you a brief overview of your website and the type of license that the website runs for the images.
Best Free Stock Photo Resources for your Website

Pixabay is a free stock photo site that offers a large collection of public domain images. Its images are somewhat oriented towards the business and marketing which is helpful for the content marketer and bloggers. A big advantage to this stock photo website is that it comes with a simple and easy to navigate interface. So, you can filter the images based on photographers, vectors, and illustrations without any hassle.
License Type: Public Domain (No Attribution Required)
Price: Free

Unsplash is a well-known resource that offers 300,000+ beautiful high-resolution photos for free. It has become one of the best sources for stock images that provide free images for personal or commercial purposes. They serve 10 new “do whatever you want” images every 10 days. So, there are always fresh new images to pick through. Moreover, all the images offered by Unsplash have their own license. According to the license, you can essentially download any images and use them later without any hassle.
License Type: Public Domain (No Attribution Required)
Price: Free

Pexels is another fantastic website that offers hundreds of thousands of free stock photos drawing from the community of photographers and digital creatives. All its photographs are of high quality and contain their own license that states all the rules. You can simply download any images and use them for personal or commercial purposes.
License Type: Public Domain (No Attribution Required)
Price: Free

FoodiesFeed contains a great niche stock photo image for those who run a food blog, restaurants, or kitchen appliances store. The site is boasted by natural-looking food items images that can be used multiple purposes. If you are a food blogger or have a restaurant website, and is in need of nice enticing food photos, FoodiesFeed is like a photographic buffet for pick up.
License Type: Public Domain (No Attribution Required)
Price: Free

StockVault is a free photo website with a collection of over 110,000 images on different topics. It comes with extensive galleries of images with categories that will help you easily find the photos that you are looking for. These photos are of high quality. You can use them for both personal and professional purposes. So, if you need a beautiful photo for yourself or for your business, StockVault is just the website you need.
License Type: Public Domain (No Attribution Required)
Price: Free

Reshot is boasted by one of the largest catalog high-quality free stock images. It comes with some unique images that you won’t be able to find elsewhere. The main sources of the photo are from the community of very talented photographers who provides the best image assets. These images can be used for any type of website. Their main aim is to give the emerging photographers a platform to share creativity.
License Type: Public Domain (No Attribution Required)
Price: Free

Picjumbo is another royalty-free image website that delivers galleries of fantastic free photos. The site contains organized categories to easily find the photos of your preference. You can choose over from over 2000+ high-resolution images. Besides, you can also use the premium level package to download a pack of all the images and 3 photoshop mockups. It will help you to help you build your own visual media library.
License Type: Free to Use Images without Attributions
Price: Free (Premium Package starts from $5.99/month)

Gratisography is one of the interesting websites that offer free high-resolution pictures that can be used on your personal and commercial projects. These images are royalty-free and are free to use under Creative Commons Zero. That means you can easily download and use any images available on the website without any hassle. Additionally, the images are fully organized by category which will help you easily find the most suitable one for your project.
License Type: Free to Use Images without Attributions
Price: Free (Premium Package starts from $5.99/month) is a simple photo website that gives people free stock images to use in any type of personal or professional projects. There are several categories that organize the images to help you easily find your required images. Plus, there is a search bar which will allow you to search for the images in breeze. The website will also display related images when you search for the perfect image to finalize the images and make your website visually appealing.
License Type: Free to use (no attribution)
Price: Free is a royalty-free creative common zero licensed website that provides free stock photos for your media library. It comes with some common photo categories like business, school, nature, and travel. It will help you get a few options for high-resolution photos to choose from. Besides, the library is built on the base of user submissions. So, they are all provided by professional photographers.
License Type: Free to use (no attribution)
Price: Free
These are some of the best free stock photo websites that provides resources. You can simply download the images from these websites and use them for personal or commercial purpose.