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Home Forums Total Array Offset Error

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    I am using the free version of the Total theme Version: 2.1.39 and I have had a error since last year that I can not seem to handle on my own and I am giving up finally. I believe I got the error once I went up and beyond php7.4.

    PHP Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /home2/xxxxxxxxxxx/public_html/wp-content/themes/total/sections/section-logo.php on line 38

    I appreciate any info I can get on this. Many thanks and I hope all is well your way!



    Here is the easy solution for you. Go to Appearance > Customize > Home Sections > Client Logo Section and then see if there are any broken images. If there are any then please remove it.

    If there are no any broken images then please remove all the images and re add them again and save it. The error message should go. If the error message does not go then do let us know again.



    Actually as odd as this is for me to say, I never realized that section was even enabled. I disabled it long ago. My site is very low traffic and hobby use mainly so I never noticed it. I disabled that section once again and that error went away.

    Not sure if this info helps any but I have never put any images in that section at all. So loading the page with section enabled with no images results in that error in the error logs. If I enable the section and add images, no errors at all.

    I really appreciate you pointing the obvious out to me. I looked until I was blue in the face and simply overlooked that. Thanks again! My issue is resolved. I really appreciate it.


    Good to know that your issue is fixed. Also enabling the client logo section does not cause any issues unless there are broken images.

    Broken images mean that the image that you upload in the client logo section and then again removing it from the media at some point. Removing image direct from the logo section does not cause issue.


    Hello again.

    Actually, that is 100% the reason I added the extra info to the post for you all. I never added any images at all to the Client section. When I installed Total a couple 2 or 3 years back, I essentially disabled all sections of the home page but the slider and a couple others. Client Logo section was one of the first to go since I have no clients. It ran great as a whole all the way up until the errors started appearing in the logs around October (??) or a shade earlier of last year. I took my sweet time going beyond php7.4.

    I am not sure how at all that became re-enabled and started causing errors. I never re-enabled it as I have no clients nor have any other reason to use that section. So no images could have ever been broken as I never uploaded any.

    I am 100% baffled now that you mentioned that last fact.

    Take care and thanks again. I really do appreciate the help.

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