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ParticipantI have switched to the older version. would appreciate if you can look into the above.
ParticipantThis is the code that is distrubing the images
any idea?<div class=”owl-stage” style=”transform: translate3d(-2526px, 0px, 0px); transition: 0s; width: 6315px;”>
ParticipantEdit: In fact none of the images are showing on the front page, in any section.
The only visible image was the background…Please assist… thanks !
ParticipantHa! so simple, and I was trying to fiddle with ht-site-footer !!
Many thanks that worked like a charm.
Participantbut the actual code that will collapse the navmenu is:
.ht-main-navigation .ht-menu{ display: block !important; }
-thanks, we’ll get there! đ
Participantcan you point at the code that defines the collapse mode please?
Participantnope, that was on the PC, something makes it collapsed in IE
ParticipantHi this was answered a few times here for many themes, either add a background rgba element to “slide overlay” in the style.css or add this line in the custome css
background: rgba(0,0,0,0);
Participantbetter yet, i’ve used “inline” but still the problem buffles me…
Participantokay, so the footer is deliberate, I get that but was windering if there’s a way to neatly making him 100% ?
Regarding the blog lack of “horizontalness” – I went and isolated every element of the “clearing”
This causes the {
content: “”;
display: table;
by chaning the display to “none” it fizes the problem. Support guys, what is this element? while inspecting other TOTAL HASH websites i see this element and no problem is reported.
I have manipulated it over on the CSS area. is that okay?jonidee
ParticipantTrying to inspect my code I noticed the footer is not 100% wide as well…
Can you help me inspect the code please and discover what’s [pushing everything to the left? I’ve used WORD’s comparison tool between my style.css against a new HASH TOTAL code, and I can’t figure it out.
April 16, 2017 at 7:18 pm in reply to: Header with different language button option and facebook #2808jonidee
Participantfor the second query, try using a plugin called “Ultimate Social Media Plus” it will allow u a floating Twitter icon.
Participantsorry for the late reply.
My website is in Hebrew, so please don’t freak out.
screenshot chrome (menu is spread on top):
Screenshot Explorer (menu is consoidated in orange, the default BG COLOR):Many thanks
ParticipantHI, i am not the official help but been playing with this great theme for a week now.
What happens when you simply delete the page title?
I cannot see this word in your code, try deleting it and if it doesnt do anything then we know the source is elsewhere,jonidee
ParticipantI managed all of the above but affected the pages as well.
to avoid the issue created a class called “home-bg” and put in all these background attribs there.
then on the homepage template i added <html class=”home-bg”>Now it’s all working, but i’m afraid to temper with the html class. is this right way to do it?
thank you
ParticipantOkay apologies this has became a monolog
this did the trick:
body {
/* Fallback for when there is no custom background color defined. */background-image: url(‘’);
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-position: center;
background-attachment: fixed !important;
z-index: -1 !important;jonidee
ParticipantI defined the background image and using this attrib in the CUSTIOM CSS:
background: none;
}seems like doing the trick. is that okay?
Is there a way to keep the image static like the example i gave abobe, i.e. making sure it doesnt scroll along with the sections?
ParticipantDon’t worry i managed to do it with a diffrent method.
thanksApril 4, 2017 at 2:02 pm in reply to: unsuccessfully trying to add Image to page header/breadcrumbs #2695jonidee
Participantdw – I found it at
margin: 0 0 0px;
letter-spacing: 1px;
font-weight: 1000;
text-transform: uppercase;
color: #FFF;thanks
April 4, 2017 at 12:49 pm in reply to: unsuccessfully trying to add Image to page header/breadcrumbs #2693jonidee
ParticipantWorked for me!
Can i followup on this question please:
Where are the Page header FONTS and FONT COLORS CSS … can’t seem to get them to change after using the above code to manipulate a header picture.Thanks
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