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    New to Hashone Theme, i have a few doubts and queries:

    Since the various section on the Home page setting tabs are hyperlinked to a different page. which by the works fine. i have having trouble configuring the sub page with a independent look and only show abstract on the homepage. for example in About us section i created the page as suggested in the documentation. now when i link that page to the about us section it picks up all the rows inside the page including the hero images,
    My Question is how do i make that same page look different with just 1 or 2 rows visible on home page and when user click the link it takes it to a new tab where we show that same page with its own independent Slider to CTA.

    EDIT 1:

    so after doing so more research i found that we would try using elementor to build a custom home page and use it instead of the default. so i designed a basic page to test the output first. however i encountered another issue(s) when i tried to use page attribute Template for various look and feel:
    1. Default template: So when the set to default which is sidebar on right, the elementor works fine.. just that the home page has a whole right hand side as a blank white space.

    2. Homepage: changing it to Homepage template and bang the elementor stopped working with the following error “you must call ‘the_content’ in the current template, inorder for elementor to work on this page.”

    3. Elementor with Full Width and Elementor canvas: Elementor did work, although inside it i was unable to configure a widget such as Siteorigin Hero image, or Codelight Interactive text etc.. so for testing purpose i simply created a block row with 2 colums and a heading.. well the output was that the home page had a slider’s of a size of CTA row and the block that i created using the elementor.


    My Question is how do i make that same page look different with just 1 or 2 rows visible on home page and when user click the link it takes it to a new tab where we show that same page with its own independent Slider to CTA.
    >> The about us section is designed to have short introduction text. If you want to have a short text and a Read More link at the bottom of the page that takes to the detail page then the best way would be to make 2 pages. One with little text with a link at the bottom linking to the another page that contains the full text.

    2. Homepage: changing it to Homepage template and bang the elementor stopped working with the following error “you must call ‘the_content’ in the current template, inorder for elementor to work on this page.”
    >> The home page template is designated to work with customizer home page sections only. So if you want to use any page builder including Elementor then do not assign the home page template.

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