Home Forums Total Text Dissappears when Turned into a Link

  • This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 6 years ago by Hash.
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  • #10613

    I have several document links that I want to display on a page. I created the page, added the text items to the page. Preview the page looks fine. Added the page to the site as a link off the home page.

    But when I change the text to a link, then add the document, upon viewing the page, the text is gone. The links are there as I can move the cursor over where the text should be and I can see the destination display in the lower left corner and the cursor changes.

    Why is it becoming invisible when the item is turned into a link?

    Thank you
    For reference:
    Site: http://www.valhallamusic.org
    Link on main page is: ‘Community Donations Kit’
    The link displays a page with an empty space, place the cursor on the left side and the invisible links will be accessible.



    I can not find the text. Can you please show us with a screenshot so that we can help you?



    I am not able to paste a screenshot into this post. Please advise how.

    Steps to duplicate:
    -Create a page (Donation Documents)
    -Place list of items to become links (3 bulleted items created)
    -Highlight one(Donation Form) and make it a link to a PDF doc
    -Save and go to site
    -The two non-links are displayed as expected,
    -The Donation Form link text is not displayed
    -Place cursor over the invisible text and the link is active
    Site: http://www.valhallamusic.org
    Navigate to the ‘Community Donation Docs’ link in the second column widget
    Click the link and the page displays with 3 bullets, the center bullet is invisible but active.


    Ok, i can see the issue now. The problem is that you have choosen the same color for background and template color. The link inherits the color of the template and then is becoming invisible over the same background color.

    Now the solution is to change the background color to some other color not similiar to the Template color.

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