Home Forums Square Category Icons

  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 8 years ago by Hash.
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  • #1745

    When on mobile (480px or less) the category icons (http://www.lightled-design.com/shopfront/) when using the WooCommerce theme take up the full width of the screen as 1 column, how do I set them to be 2 columns wide?


    In the style.css file, remove the following CSS in line number 2956

    .woocommerce ul.products li.product, 
    	.woocommerce-page ul.products li.product, 
    	.woocommerce-page[class*=columns-] ul.products li.product, 
    	.woocommerce[class*=columns-] ul.products li.product{
    		width: 48%;
    		float: left;

    And please do not remove out footer credit link.

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