Easy Elementor Addons is an elementor based plugin that helps enhance your website’s appearance with a variety of widgets. You can further customize each widget to suit your needs.

If you have any questions about how the widget works, feel free to contact us, and we’ll be happy to assist you.

To download the addon easily, please follow this link.



How to Style and Configure Accordion Widget 

In the following article, we will guide you through configuring the settings and provide a brief explanation of each section. The Accordion settings include two tabs: Content and Style, where you can customize various options accordingly.


In the Content section, you can choose to add the accordion and give your appropriate name and description. 


In the Settings section, choose to make changes on the icon open/close and the position as well.  Further in the Style tab, you can make changes to the typography color, width of the accordion as well. 



This section allows you to make changes in the background, box shadow, border type as well as border width, border color of the accordion. 


In this section make changes to the header typography, padding, radius, background color, Title color, Icon Background Color, Icon Color and more. 


The content description can also be configured in terms of typography, background color, padding, and radius. 

Click on the demo button below to view more styles and get more information on the Accordion Widget. 

View Accordion Demo

Advanced Button


How to Style and Configure Advanced Button Widget

In the following article, we will guide you through configuring the settings, briefly explaining each section. The Advanced Button settings include two tabs, Content and Style, where you can customize various options accordingly. 

Let’s see what other changes can be made.



Choose appropriate button size, add link, and also choose the animation when hovered on the button. 


Choose the button icon with the appropriate information. Also choose the positioning and icon spacing as well. 


In the style section, you can change the typography and button positions. Moreover, tweak with the button, padding, border radius, text color, background color, border type, and much more.  

Click on the demo button below to view more styles and get more information on the Advanced Button Widget. 

View Advanced Button Demo

Advanced Heading


How to Style and Configure Advanced Heading Widget  

In the following article, we will guide you through configuring the settings, providing a brief explanation of each section. The Advanced Heading settings include two tabs: Content and Style, where you can customize various options accordingly.



In this section, you can customize the text and formatting of your advanced heading. You can set the content for the main heading and subheading. Additionally, you can choose the appropriate heading format (such as H1, H2, or H3) for each of these elements.

Advanced Heading 

In this section, you can select an advanced heading that will appear in the background of your main heading and subheading. Adjust its alignment and fine-tune its position along the X and Y axes to place it exactly where you want.


Sub Heading

In the sub heading style option, choose the typography, color of the sub heading can be changed. Furthermore, add text shadows to make it appear more appealing. 

Main Heading 

In the main heading style option, choose the main headings margin, text shadow, color, typography style. 

Advanced Heading 

In the advanced heading style option, choose the color of your choice. Furthermore, choose the opacity of the text that appears behind. 

Click on the demo button below to view more styles and get more information on the Advanced Heading Widget. 

View Advanced Heading Demo

Advanced Icon Box


How to Style and Configure Advanced Icon Box Widget  

In the following article, we will guide you through configuring the settings, providing a brief explanation of each section. The Advanced Icon Box settings include two tabs: Content and Style, where you can customize various options accordingly.


Icon Box

In the icon box section choose the icon type and the preferred icon that matches your content. Write a title as well as a description. 

Read More

Add a read more to which you can add links to know more about the services or about the related topic. You can also change the text according to the title. Moreover, add icon to make it more presentable. 


A separate badge can also be added somewhere to let users know that it is a new feature or update or any other type of additional information. Opt to change the badge text, choose badge position as well as horizontal and vertical offset. 

Additional Options

In the additional settings choose the HTML tag of title. 



In this section, choose to make changes to icon box or image if you choose to add an image. Make changes in the spacing, icon size, icon box padding and set a preferred border type. The icon background color can be chosen while normal and when it is hovered over. 


In the title, make changes to the typography spacing and specifically choose the title color while normal and when it is hovered over. 


In the description, make changes in the typography, spacing and description color while normal and when it is hovered on. 

Title Seperator 

The title separator, choose the separator style, color, height, margin as well as bottom spacing. 

Read More 

The read more button can be further be customized, choose the preferred typography, padding border radius. Choose a text color, background type, color border type as well as box shadow. You can further customize the button as well as text color when it is hoverd over.


In the badge section, choose the typography, text color, background type as well as padding, border radius, border type as well as box shadow. 


This additional feature allows you to choose the content padding to make it look more appealing. 

Click on the demo button below to view more styles and get more information on the Advanced Icon Box Widget. 

View Advanced Icon Button Demo

Advanced Maps


How to Style and Configure Advanced Maps Widget  

In the following article, we will guide you through configuring the settings and provide a brief explanation of each section. The Advanced Maps settings include two tabs: Content and Style, where you can customize various options accordingly.



In this section, choose to add markers to the map.

General Settings

In the general settings, configure the height, zoom level, and options for scrollwheel zoom, zoom controls, fullscreen controls, street view controls, and map time controls. Also, ensure the map is set to be draggable or not as needed.

Click on the demo button below to view more styles and get more information on the Advanced Maps Widget. 

View Advanced Maps Demo

Animated Heading


How to Style and Configure Animated Heading Widget  

In the following article, we will guide you through configuring the settings, providing a brief explanation of each section. The Animated Heading settings include two tabs, Content and Style, where you can customize various options accordingly.


Header Contents

In the header content section, choose the pre-heading, heading, and post-heading text. Choose to add links or alignment. The text layout can be chosen either in animation or typed as well.  


In the animation section, choose from a variety of animation styles and their duration as well. 


In the style section, choose the pre/post text color, animation text color, and Typography of your choice. 

Click on the demo button below to view more styles and get more information on the Animated Heading Widget. 

View Animated Heading Demo

Business Hour


How to Style and Configure the Business Hour Widget  

In the following article, we will guide you through configuring the settings, providing a brief explanation of each section. The Business Hour settings include two tabs: Content and Style, where you can customize various options accordingly.


Header Content 

In the header content section, choose the header content as well as its alignment. You can also opt to leave the header section empty. 

Business Hour 

Here you can make changes to the opening and closing hours and on which days your office is closed all day. 

Footer Contents 

The footer section allows you to additionally add additional content. Moreover, choose the content alignment. 


Header Section 


In the header section, choose the header background color as well as typography. This helps to enhance the overall appearance of the whole box. 

Footer Section 

In the footer section, you can also choose the footer background, color, and typography. You can choose to match it with the header or opt to try a different color as well. 

Business Hour 

In the business hours section, select a clear and legible typography with a light background color for regular days and a distinct color scheme for the current day to highlight it. Ensure the text color contrasts well for readability. Align the days appropriately based on the layout, whether left, center, or right. Maintain consistent spacing between days for a clean and organized appearance.


The divider clearly distinguishes each day from the next, and its style can be customized to match the design. Adjust its color for better contrast and modify the margin to create balanced spacing and a visually appealing layout.

Striped Rows

In the striped row section, you can assign alternating background colors to each day, creating a pattern where colors repeat consistently for a structured and visually appealing look.

Click on the demo button below to view more styles and get more information on the Business Hour Widget. 

View Business Hour Demo

Circular Progress Bar


How to Style and Configure Circular Progress Bar Widget  

In the following article, we will guide you through configuring the settings, providing a brief explanation of each section. The Circular Progress Bar settings include two tabs: Content and Style, where you can customize various options accordingly.


In the content section of the circular progress, write a suitable title, choose the percentage, circle size, and circle bar width as well. 



In the Title section, select a color for the chosen title, and additionally, adjust the typography and margin to enhance its appearance and readability.


In the percent section, you can customize the color of the percentage value and refine the typography for better clarity and visual appeal.

Progress Bar

Previously you chose the width of the progress bar; in this section, choose the background color and progress indication color as well. 

Click on the demo button below to view more styles and get more information on the Circular Progress Bar Widget. 

View Circular Progress Bar Demo



How to Style and Configure Countdown Widget  

In the following article, we will guide you through configuring the settings, providing a brief explanation of each section. The Countdown settings include two tabs: Content and Style, where you can customize various options accordingly.



In this section, choose when the countdown will start and end and at which time. Another option is that upon expiry, you can choose a message or a link direction. 


In the content section, select the countdown layout as either a row or a column. Decide whether to display or hide days, hours, minutes, seconds, and their respective labels.


Countdown Styles

In the countdown style, select the background type and color. Opt to include an image and adjust content spacing for better presentation. To enhance visual appeal, customize the border padding and radius.

Countdown Digits

In this section, choose to change the color of the countdown digits.

Countdown Label

In this section choose to make changes to the countdown labels color, typography as well as label spacing. 


The separator helps to separate the contents if they are placed close together. The separator can further be customized in terms of size, position, and color


In this section, select the background type, digit color, line color, and border color to enhance the appearance of the day’s countdown.


In this section, select the background type, digit color, line color, and border color to enhance the appearance of the hour’s countdown.


In this section, select the background type, digit color, line color, and border color to enhance the appearance of the minutes countdown.


In this section, select the background type, digit color, line color, and border color to enhance the appearance of the second countdown.

Click on the demo button below to view more styles and get more information on the Countdown Bar Widget. 

View Countdown Demo



How to Style and Configure Counter Widget  

In the following article, we will guide you through configuring the settings, briefly explaining each section. The Counter settings include two tabs: Content and Style, where you can customize various options accordingly.



In the counter section, select the icon, title, starting value, and current value of the counter. Additionally, you can opt to include pre and post text, along with customizing their spacing.

Additional Settings 

In the additional settings, choose the border counter style from a wide range of counter styles. 


Box Styles 

In this section, you can select the background type—either a solid color or a gradient. Additionally, you have the unique option of choosing a background image. You can also customize the border by selecting its color, adjusting the width, adding box shadows, and modifying the border radius to create a distinct shape.


In this section, choose the icon color and the icon size. 

Number Count 

You can also customize the color of the numbers to match your design. If you’ve added pre or post text, you can further personalize its color. Additionally, you have the option to adjust typography settings, including font style, size, and weight, to enhance the overall appearance.

Counter Title

The counter title can also be customized in terms of color and typography. You can match its color with the number or icon for a cohesive look or opt for a distinct typography style and color to make it stand out.

Click on the demo button below to view more styles and get more information on the Counter Widget. 

View Counter Demo

Drop Bar


How to Style and Configure the Drop Bar Widget  

In the following article, we will guide you through configuring the settings, briefly explaining each section. The Drop Bar settings include two tabs: Content and Style, where you can customize various options accordingly.


In the content section choose to add the content when customers hover on to the drop bar button. You can make additional changes lilke choosing the heading or make the text bold, italic or underlined. 


In the heading section, select the title text and pair it with a relevant icon. You can position the icon either before or after the text and fine-tune the spacing between them for a balanced layout.


The drop bar settings offer multiple positioning options. You can explore different placements to find the one that suits your layout best. Click this demo link to preview how the drop bar appears before making your final selection.  Select how the drop bar is activated either by hovering over it or by clicking the button. Moreover, you can choose the width and dropbar offset as well. 


Enhance the drop bar’s visual appeal by selecting from a variety of animations when it is hovered over or clicked. Additionally, customize the animation duration and adjust the show/hide delay for a smooth transition.



In the button section, customize the text color and background color to suit your design. Additionally, enhance its appearance by adjusting the border radius, padding, and box shadows. Fine-tune the typography settings to achieve the perfect look and feel.


Just like the button’s text and color, you can also customize the drop bar’s text and background color. You can make it stand out from the button for a striking contrast or choose neutral tones for a more cohesive look.

Click on the demo button below to view more styles and get more information on the Drop Bar Widget. 

View Drop Bar Demo

Dual Button


How to Style and Configure Dual Button Widget  

In the following article, we will guide you through configuring the settings, briefly explaining each section. The Dual Button settings include two tabs, Content and Style, where you can customize various options accordingly.



In the button section of the dual button, choose the layout of the button, either horizontal or vertical. Align your button either left, right, or central. Let’s see what changes can be made on each button section. 

Primary Button 

Select your preferred text or add links for users to access when they click the button. To enhance its visual appeal, choose from a variety of icons and position them either before or after the content.

Secondary Button 

The secondary button differs from the primary button, allowing you to select a unique text for it. Just like the primary button, you can also add links and choose an icon, positioning it as needed for a cohesive design.


The primary button can be separated either by text or icon. Choose your preferred separator option and either add a text or an icon. 



In the general section, choose the button hover animation, typography, and box shadow. 

Primary Button 

In this section, you can customize the primary button by selecting the text color, background color, border radius, and padding. Likewise, you can define the text and background color for when the button is hovered to enhance its interactive effect.

Secondary Button

In this section, you can customize the secondary button by selecting the text color, background color, border radius, and padding. Likewise, you can define the text and background color for when the button is hovered to enhance its interactive effect.


In the separator, choose the typography colors as well as the width, border radius, and box shadows. 

Click on the demo button below to view more styles and get more information on the Dual Button Widget. 

View Dual Button Demo

Dual Heading


How to Style and Configure Dual Heading Widget  

In the following article, we will guide you through configuring the settings, briefly explaining each section. The Dual Heading settings include two tabs: Content and Style, where you can customize various options accordingly.


In this section, you can choose to change the First and Second heading text. You can also choose to add links to your preferred heading. Choose the alignment and spacing to make the heading look more appealing. 


First Part

In this section, you can choose to change the typography, heading style, text color, and even select the background type. Choose the border-radius and padding and text shadows to make the dual heading more appealing. 

Second Part

Feel free to adjust the typography and style of the second part of the heading as well. You can choose the border type or leave it as is. Modify the text and box shadow as needed to achieve your desired look.

Click on the demo button below to view more styles and get more information on the Dual Heading Widget. 

View Dual Heading Demo

Feature List


How to Style and Configure Feature List Widget  

In the following article, we will guide you through configuring the settings, briefly explaining each section.

The Feature List settings include two tabs, Content and Style, where you can customize various options accordingly.


In the content section of the feature list, feel free to modify each feature title and select a suitable icon. You can also add an appropriate subheading if needed to enhance clarity and presentation.

Additional Settings 

In the additional settings choose the HTML tag, icon style, icon positioning and spacing as well. 


Feature Lists

In the feature list settings tweak the background color, border type, box shadow as well as border radius and padding. 


In this section change the icon color, size, padding, as well as radius of the icon. 


The title color as well as typography can be changed and the content can be made much better in this section. If you choose to add a sub title you can make the changes similarly. 


The description part also has a special appearance on the feature list. Choose to change typography and color of the description part as well. 

Click on the demo button below to view more styles and get more information on the Feature List Widget. 

View Feature List Demo

Flip Box


How to Style and Configure Flip Box Widget  

In the following article, we will guide you through configuring the settings, briefly explaining each section. The Flip Box settings include two tabs, Content and Style, where you can customize various options accordingly.



In this section, choose the icon title and description of the front part of the flip box. Moreover, choose the heading type to make the text look clearer. 


Similarly, as with the front section of the flip box, select the content, title, and button text. Choose to add the link on the button which will let users to know more information about a specific topic. 


In this section, choose the appropriate height, and border radius. As well as choose the flip effect and flip direction as well. 



In the style section, choose to make the changes on the front side of the flip box. Change the background type and choose the appropriate color. You can always opt to add images to your flip box as well. Choose the padding and text alignments.


Moreover, in the icon section, choose the icon size or choose to rotate the icon and choose the button spacing. 


In the title section, choose the text color and typography as bottom spacing. 


Similarly, like in the title section, choose the appropriate color for your content as well as its typography. 


Similarly, choose the background type, color, and padding of the flip side of the box. You can also choose the text alignment choose the title text color as well as the typography. 


Choose the text description color, typography, and spacing. 

Click on the demo button below to view more styles and get more information on the Flip Box Widget. 

View Flip Box Demo

Horizontal Tab


How to Style and Configure Horizontal Tab Widget  

In the following article, we will guide you through configuring the settings, briefly explaining each section. The Horizontal Tab settings include two tabs: Content and Style, where you can customize various options accordingly.


In this section, choose to add your desired tab content as you like. Add the tab title and choose to add content in context to your added title. Furthermore, you can enhance the title by adding icons before or after the text. 


In this section, choose from a variety of content display animations when you switch to another tab. 


Tab Container

The tab container can be customized in terms of color border type and much more. In this section, choose the background color and border type as border color. Also, choose the border radius and padding for the container. 

Tab Bar 

The top tab button bar can also be made elegantly appealing. For this, you can opt to choose the background color, border type, as the border color. Further, choose the border radius, padding, and bottom spacing to make it look even more presentable. 

Tab Buttons 

In the tab buttons, choose the typography. Tab Icon You can choose to place the icon that you have added in the desired position and further customize the icon size and padding.  Tab Buttons For the tab buttons, choose the button alignment, its position, and button spacing. Furthermore, the tab buttons can be defined further by choosing the border type, border color, and box shadow. 

The tab buttons’ background color, text color, and border color can be changed when hovered over or while it is active. This gives a visual appearance to users when they engage with the tabs. 


In the content section, choose to customize the contents, typography, color, background color, box shadow border radius, and padding. 

Click on the demo button below to view more styles and get more information on the Horizontal Tab Widget. 

View Horizontal Tab Demo

Horizontal Timeline


How to Style and Configure Horizontal Timeline Widget  

In the following article, we will guide you through configuring the settings, briefly explaining each section. The Horizontal Timeline settings include two tabs, Content and Style, where you can customize various options accordingly.



Choose to add the horizontal tab content in this section. You can add a title and a description for your tab and a read more button to direct users to further information. 


Choose the outlay of your horizontal timeline and the meta position. Furthermore, choose the block width and text alignment. 


Time Point

In the time point, choose the horizontal timeline style, background, and icon color. Make the text/ icon size according to your preference as well as the point gap. For the timeline, choose the line height as well as the top and bottom spacing. 


You can choose the background color of the tabs that you have chosen. Choose the background color, typography, border type, and box shadow. To make the tab more appealing, make sure to configure the box radius, padding, and margin.   


In this section, choose to make changes to the content background color and make changes to the image title as well as the description.  

Read More

The read more button can also be customized; choose the typography for the button. Choose the border type, border width, and box shadow. Moreover, choose the color and background color when the read more button is ideal and hovered over. 

Navigational Arrow

The navigational arrow helps users switch between the content when there are more horizontal tabs. Choose to configure the arrow by adjusting its width, height, icon size, and horizontal offset. To make the arrow more appealing, choose from the border type as well as its color.  Choose the background color and icon color when it is ideal and hovered over. 

Click on the demo button below to view more styles and get more information on the Horizontal Timline Widget. 

View Horizontal Timeline Demo



How to Style and Configure Hotspot Widget  

In the following article, we will guide you through configuring the settings, briefly explaining each section. The Hotspot settings include two tabs, Content and Style, where you can customize various options accordingly.



The hotspot allows us to explain the features of different parts of a component. Choose to add hotspot items in this section. 

General Settings 

In the general settings, select the content trigger type—either on click or hover. Additionally, set the tooltip position and enable pulse animation when the hotspot is idle.



In this section, choose to change the background color, icon color, icon size, and icon container size. 

Tool Tip Box

In this setting, change the tool tip box background color, border type, box shadow, border radius, and padding. 


Choose the title color as well as change the typography and the bottom spacing. 


Make changes to the description of the tool tip. Change the color, choose an appropriate typography for the content as well. 

Click on the demo button below to view more styles and get more information on the Hotspot Widget. 

View Hotspot Demo

Icon List


How to Style and Configure the Icon List Widget  

In the following article, we will guide you through configuring the settings, briefly explaining each section. The Icon List settings include two tabs: Content and Style, where you can customize various options accordingly.



In this section, choose to add the list of services or items that best describe the content that you have added. 


In the settings section, choose the layout and text alignment. Moreover, select the vertical list spacing and horizontal list spacing. 



Choose to change the background type or color or opt to add the image. Select a suitable border type, box shadow, padding, and border radius. 

Icon and Text 

In this section, choose the typography for the text and choose the icon size. Moreover, make changes to the icon positioning, alignment, and spacing. Choose the color of the icon and text when it is in an ideal state or hovered over. 

Click on the demo button below to view more styles and get more information on the Icon List Widget. 

View Icon List Demo

Image Accordion


How to Style and Configure Image Accordion Widget  

In the following article, we will guide you through configuring the settings, briefly explaining each section. The Image Accordion settings include two tabs: Content and Style, where you can customize various options accordingly.


You can choose to add as many image accordions as you prefer. In this section, also choose to add the title as well as a short description of the image accordion.


In this section, you can choose the settings for when the image accordion will appear, either on click or on hover. Moreover, choose the image accordion orientation, content text alignment, and the title tag. 



Choose the height of the image accordion, along with the Normal overlay color, hover overlay color, and the box shadow. 


The image of the accordion can be made look different by adding the border radius, padding, and margin. To make the accordion stand out, one can also choose to add a border type. 


In the title section, choose the typography of the title as well as the color and bottom spacing to make it look appealing. 


Similarly, like the title, choose the typography and color or the typography of the description content that you have written. 

Click on the demo button below to view more styles and get more information on the Image Accordion Widget. 

View Image Accordion Demo

Image Comparison


How to Style and Configure Image Comparison Widget  

In the following article, we will guide you through configuring the settings, briefly explaining each section. The Image Comparison settings include two tabs: Content and Style, where you can customize various options accordingly.



In the image section, include both the ‘Before’ and ‘After’ images. You may also change the labels if needed.


In these settings, choose the image orientation (horizontal or vertical). Additionally, set the slider’s starting position as a percentage. Decide whether the slider moves on click or drag, and adjust the intensity for a smoother transition.


General Style

Choose to make changes in the overlay color and bar color.

Before and After Text

Make changes to the typography of the before and after text. Moreover, choose the padding, border radius, background, and color while on normal and hover.

Click on the demo button below to view more styles and get more information on the Image Comparison Widget. 

View Image Comparison Demo


How to Style and Configure Image Gallery Widget  

In the following article, we will guide you through configuring the settings, briefly explaining each section. The Image Gallery settings include two tabs, Content and Style, where you can customize various options accordingly.



In this section, select the items to include in the image gallery. You can add as many items as you like, allowing users to easily browse and find what they need, saving them valuable time.


In this setting, change the filter label and choose the alignment and the animation duration speed. 


In this section, customize the layout by selecting the number of columns, caption style, and animation effects. Choose whether to display the lightbox icon, and fine-tune the image height and spacing for a cleaner, more polished look.


Filter Buttons

Pick your filter buttons and typography style, then tweak the margin and bottom padding to get the right look. Customize the button colors for both normal and active states, add a border if needed, and play around with box shadow, border radius, and spacing to make everything feel just right.


In the image section, adjust the box shadow, choose a border type, and customize the border radius to give your image the perfect look.

Overlay Caption

For the overlay caption, set the text alignment, background style, and padding. Also, customize the title and content colors along with the typography to match your design.

Light Box Button

In the lightbox button section, adjust the button size, icon size, and border radius. Customize the background color, border style, and border width to enhance its appearance.

Click on the demo button below to view more styles and get more information on the Image Gallery Widget. 

View Image Gallery Demo


How to Style and Configure the Link Effect Widget  

In the following article, we will guide you through configuring the settings, briefly explaining each section. The Link Effect settings include two tabs: Content and Style, where you can customize various options accordingly.


Link Effects

Choose the text as well as add a link to your header. Furthermore, to enhance the appearance, choose from various animation effects that are available to choose from.


Link Effects

In the style section, choose the link effect alignment, border thickness, padding, and typography. Choose the normal link color and border color.

Further, you can change the color when the link is hovered over.

Click on the demo button below to view more styles and get more information on the Link Effect Widget. 

View Link Effect Demo


How to Style and Configure Logo Carousel Widget  

In the following article, we will guide you through configuring the settings, briefly explaining each section. The Logo Carousel settings include two tabs: Content and Style, where you can customize various options accordingly.


Choose to add the logo carousel slides in this section. You can add lists as your preference. Make the link open in another tab as well as choose the HTML tag and image resolution for your carousel.

Carousel Settings

In the carousel settings, choose the number of slides to display at a time, the spacing between slides, and the stage padding. Additionally, decide whether the logo carousel should autoplay, loop infinitely, and pause on hover. Select either navigation dots or arrows for users to move through the carousel.

Navigational Dot

While choosing the navigational dot, you can make many changes to this section by choosing the width, height, spacing between and above dots, and also a border type. Choose the border color and radius. You can also customize the color when the navigational dot is normal, active, and hovered over.

Click on the demo button below to view more styles and get more information on the Logo Carousel Widget. 

View Logo Carousel Demo

Logo Grid


How to Style and Configure Logo Grid Widget  

In the following article, we will guide you through configuring the settings, briefly explaining each section. The Logo Grid settings include two tabs, Content and Style, where you can customize various options accordingly.


Logo Grid

In this section of the logo grid, add item lists of the logo you want to add as well as a title.


In the settings, choose how many logos you prefer to show in a column, logo spacing, vertical as well as horizontal alignment.



In the logo style settings, adjust the container’s border radius, the image’s border radius, and the padding. Additionally, select the border type, width, and color. Choose a background style and enable grayscale if you want the logo to turn gray on hover.


In the title section, change the typography, color, and top spacing.

Click on the demo button below to view more styles and get more information on the Logo Grid Widget.

View Logo Grid Demo



How to Style and Configure Lottie Widget  

In the following article, we will guide you through configuring the settings, briefly explaining each section. The Lottie settings include two tabs, Content and Style, where you can customize various options accordingly.



Lottie is an image animation that moves according to the animation settings that you have chosen. Choose the image in this section as well as add the link if you prefer.


Choose the animations to autoplay or while hovered over. Choose the speed at which the Lottie will move.



In this section, choose the opacity as well as the CSS Filter

The animation can be customized while it is hovered upon; choose the opacity and transition duration as well.

Click on the demo button below to view more styles and get more information on the Lottie Widget.

View Lottie Demo

One Page Navigation


How to Style and Configure One Page Navigation Widget  

In the following article, we will guide you through configuring the settings, briefly explaining each section. The One Page Navigation settings include two tabs, Content and Style, where you can customize various options accordingly.


Navigation Dots

One-page navigation enables users to browse content directly within the menu. This provides a clear overview at a glance, making navigation more efficient. In this section, choose to add items to the navigational dots.

Additional Settings

In the additional settings, choose to enable/disable the scroll wheel, touch swipe, and scroll keys functions. Moreover, customize the scrolling speed, its offset, and the navigational dot position as well.


Navigational Box

In this section, choose to customize the background type and border type and add border radius and padding to the navigational dot. Further chose to add the box shadow to make it look more appealing.

Navigational Dots

In this section, choose to make changes to the navigational dots. Configure the icon size, background, and spacing. Choose the icon color, background color, and border type as well as the border color, while the navigational dot is normal, hovered over, or active.


The tooltip can also be customized; choose the tooltip arrow to show/hide. Choose the background color, text color, typography, box shadow, and padding.

Click on the demo button below to view more styles and get more information on the One Page Navigation Widget.

View One Page Navigation Demo

Pie Chart


How to Style and Configure Pie Chart Widget  

In the following article, we will guide you through configuring the settings, briefly explaining each section. The Pie Chart Navigation settings include two tabs, Content and Style, where you can customize various options accordingly.


Chart Data

In these settings, add the chart data and a chart title if you wish. Choose the HTML tag as well as the title position.


Enable the label that shows the details about the pie chart. Choose the position and arrange the order of the label as well.


When the pie chart is clicked, choose the animation duration and the animation effect.

Additional Settings

In the additional settings, customize the chart height and cutout percentage.



Make changes to the border width as well as the border color.


For the box description box, customize the box width, spacing, font size, font weight, font style, and font color as well.


In the tooltip section, make changes to the tooltip background color, font color, font size, font weight, and font style.

Click on the demo button below to view more styles and get more information on the  Pie Chart Widget.

View Pie Chart Demo


How to Style and Configure Popup Modal Widget  

In the following article, we will guide you through configuring the settings, briefly explaining each section. The Popup Modal settings include two tabs: Content and Style, where you can customize various options accordingly.


In the content section, choose to configure the content, add a suitable title, choose to show/hide header title, and close button.


To trigger the pop-up modal, choose the trigger type. Choose the text, button icon, and icon position.


Choose the layout of the popup modal. Adjust the width, height, and popup animation.


Trigger Button

In the trigger button section, choose to change the typography, icon spacing, padding, and border radius. Customize the text color, background type, and color border type. Choose the border color and add a box shadow to make the box look more appealing.

Popup Box

In the popup box section, choose to make changes to the box. Choose the background type and border type and custom add the border radius, padding, and box shadow.

Popup Overlay

Choose to add a faded overlay to make the contents behind the popup modal less important and highlight the box. Choose the overlay color, background color, and color.

Popup Scroll Bar

In the popup scroll bar, choose the track width, track color, thumb color, and  thumb color (hover).

Click on the demo button below to view more styles and get more information on the  Popup Modal Widget

View Popup Modal Demo


How to Style and Configure the Popup Video Widget  

In the following article, we will guide you through configuring the settings, briefly explaining each section. The Popup Video settings include two tabs, Content and Style, where you can customize various options accordingly.



In this section, choose the video URL that you intend to play on the screen. Thereafter, choose a suitable video width.

Trigger Button

Choose the trigger button type, play text, icon button, and positioning.

Player Settings

Choose to auto-play, mute, loop, or enable a video poster for the video.



Align the popup video to the center, right, or left.


In this section, choose the typography, icon spacing, padding, and border radius of the button. Furthermore, choose the text color, background type, color border type and box shadow.

Click on the demo button below to view more styles and get more information on the  Popup Video Widget

View Popup Video Demo

Pricing List


How to Style and Configure Pricing List Widget  

In the following article, we will guide you through configuring the settings, briefly explaining each section. The Pricing List settings include two tabs: Content and Style, where you can customize various options accordingly.


In the content settings, add the items of the menu that are to be price listed. You can opt to add as much as possible.


In the settings, choose the title tag and the grid column. Adjust the spacing between the lists as well asthe  horizontal and vertical alignment. Choose the image width and the price position.


Pricing Item

For the pricing item, choose the background color, border type, box shadow, border radius, and padding.


Choose the border type, width, color, shadow, and radius of the image that you have chosen in the pricing list item.


Make significant changes to the title typography, color background, border type margin, and padding.


Choose the typography as well as the color for the description part as well.


As for the pricing style, choose the typography, text color, background type,and  padding. Add the border style, border color, and the alignment.

Click on the demo button below to view more styles and get more information on the  Pricing List Widget

View Pricing List Demo

Pricing Table


How to Style and Configure Pricing Table Widget  

In the following article, we will guide you through configuring the settings, briefly explaining each section. The Pricing Table settings include two tabs, Content and Style, where you can customize various options accordingly.


In this section, choose to add the list of pricing items. Add the pricing title, subtitle, price,and  price per month. Choose to add a link to the button as well as a button icon.


Choose from 7 different layout styles for the pricing table.



Choose the background color, border type, box shadow, border radius, and padding.


In the header section, choose the header color, its location, angle, and padding.

Header Icon

In the header icon, choose the background image color and its background type. Adjust the icon size, icon background size, border radius, margin, and box shadow.


Make changes to the typography, color, and margin of the title.


In this section, choose the typography, margin, and color for the subtitle.


This setting allows you to set the color margin as well as the typography of the pricing.

Price Per

Similar to the pricing, make changes to the text color typography of the price as well.

Feature Lists

The feature list describes the pricing table, allowing you to customize typography, colors, icon colors, and spacing. You can also enable or disable the separator to make the content more distinct.


The buttons can also be customized to make it more appealing. Follow the color pattern according to the pricing table contents or opt for a different color. Make changes to the typography, padding border radius, and icon position if you have added any. Furthermore, customize the button text color, background color, background type, and border type.


Modify the label by selecting the typography, color, and background color and exploring different styling options.

Click on the demo button below to view more styles and get more information on the  Pricing Table Widget

View Pricing Table Demo

Progress Bar


How to Style and Configure the Progress Bar Widget  

In the following article, we will guide you through configuring the settings, briefly explaining each section. The Progress Bar settings include two tabs, Content and Style, where you can customize various options accordingly.


In the content section, choose to add the items lists to the progress bar. Choose a suitable title for each item.


In the settings section, choose the style, label position, and spacing between the progress bar.



Choose the typography of the label as well as a suitable color.


In the percent section, select the typography for the percentage text and choose a color that complements the label and progress bar. Alternatively, you can opt for a contrasting color to make it stand out. In the percent section, select the typography for the percentage text and choose a color that complements the label and progress bar. Alternatively, you can opt for a contrasting color to make it stand out.

Progress Bar

In the progress bar settings, select the bar background color. You can choose a background type, a solid color, or even add an image. As for the active bar color, choose the background type, color, image border type, box shadow, padding, progress bar height, and border radius.

Click on the demo button below to view more styles and get more information on the  Progress Bar Widget

View Progress Bar Demo

Scroll Image


How to Style and Configure Scroll Image Widget  

In the following article, we will guide you through configuring the settings, briefly explaining each section. The Scroll Image settings include two tabs: Content and Style, where you can customize various options accordingly.



The scroll image allows users to easily reach the top or bottom of a website page. Add a relevant image and choose the resolution. Then, adjust the maximum width, height, and alignment.


Add links to the scroll image to engage users.  Add the link icon and choose to show/hide on hover as well as choose the vertical and horizontal position.


The badge shows some extra information somewhere on the image. Choose the badge type, badge title text, as well as the horizontal and vertical positioning of the badge. Furthermore, choose the offset and rotate the badge if you wish to.


Image Box

Adjust the box shadow, border type, and border radius for the box image.


If you have added a caption to the image box, choose the typography, alignment as well as color of the text.


Choose to customize the link size, icon size, background color, border type, and box shadow.


Choose the background type, color, text color, typography, padding, and border-radius.

Click on the demo button below to view more styles and get more information on the Scroll Image Widget

View Scroll Image Demo



How to Style and Configure the Slider Widget  

In the following article, we will guide you through configuring the settings, briefly explaining each section. The Slider settings include two tabs, Content and Style, where you can customize various options accordingly.


Choose to add the slider item content. You can add as many sliders as you wish. Further add the title, subtitle, and button text.


In the settings, choose the image resolution and choose the slider height. You can choose the slider transition as well as choose to alter the autoplay, pause on hover,  as well as infinite loop of the slider. Choose the animation speed and either choose a navigational dot or a navigational arrow for the slider.

Caption Animation

For the, choose the animation, animation duration as well as animation delay for the Title sub title as well as for the button.


Slider Overlay

Choose the slider overlay and make changes to the background type as well as color.

Caption Container

The caption container can be customized in terms of container width as well as caption width. Choose the offset and the vertical position, as well as the text alignment. To make changes in terms of color, choose the color for the container and adjust the border radius and padding as well.


For the title, choose to make changes to the color, background color, typography, and text shadow. Adjust the padding, border radius, and bottom spacing.


In the subtitle change the color, typography, text shadow, and bottom spacing.


In the button settings, select the typography for the button text. Define the background color, including its default state and hover effect. Additionally, set the border radius and padding to achieve the desired styling.

Navigational Arrow

The navigational arrow allows users to navigate to another slide if they want to know information about something else. Adjust the width, height, icon size, and horizontal as well as vertical offset of the navigational arrow. Further, choose a border type and border radius.

Click on the demo button below to view more styles and get more information on the Slider Widget

View Slider Demo

Social Share


How to Style and Configure Social Share Widget  

In the following article, we will guide you through configuring the settings, briefly explaining each section. The Social Share settings include two tabs, Content and Style, where you can customize various options accordingly.


Social Share

Choose to show/ hide the social share icon button as your preference.


In the settings, select the column layout, the number of columns, and the row spacing. You can choose to display only the social share icon, only the text, or both. Additionally, configure the icon positioning and spacing to suit your design preferences.


In the style settings, select the typography, padding, and border radius for the social share button. Customize the text color, background type, and border style, including its color. Additionally, adjust the shadow effect to enhance the button’s visual appeal.

The button can be further customized when it is hovered upon. Choose a different text color, background type, color, border color, and box shadow. To make it more engaging, you can also choose the hover animation.

Click on the demo button below to view more styles and get more information on the Social Share Widget

View Social Share Demo

Step Flow


How to Style and Configure Step Flow Widget  

In the following article, we will guide you through configuring the settings, briefly explaining each section. The Step Flow settings include two tabs, Content and Style, where you can customize various options accordingly.


Step Flow

In this section, choose to add the icon for the step flow and numbering as well. Add a title and a relevant description for the content as well. If you have more information to give, direct the users with the read more button.

Additional Settings

In the additional settings, choose the title tag, alignment, and show direction as well as the direction style.



In the icon settings, set the icon size, padding, icon color, background color, and border type as well. To make the icon appealing, add padding as well as the border radius and the box shadow.


The added badge in the step flow icon can be customized in terms of typography, color positioning, padding, and border type.


For the title settings, choose the typography and color as margin.


Similarly, for the description, adjust the typography, color, and margin to ensure a cohesive and visually appealing design.


The arrow directions that direct the users to the step flow process one after another can be customized in terms of width, gap, length, offsets, rotation, and color as well.

Click on the demo button below to view more styles and get more information on the Step Flow Widget

View Step Flow Demo

Sticky Video


How to Style and Configure the Sticky Video Widget  

In the following article, we will guide you through configuring the settings, briefly explaining each section. The Sticky Video settings include two tabs, Content and Style, where you can customize various options accordingly.



Choose to make the video sticky and set its designated position. Select a file to upload and customize its playback settings, including autoplay, mute, loop, and whether to display the control bar.


Video Interface

Choose the interface color, as well as the play button size and control bar padding.

Sticky Video

In the sticky video settings, choose to adjust the video width as well as the close button background color and close button icon color.


In these settings, choose to make changes to the video player’s border type, border width, border color, and border radius.

Click on the demo button below to view more styles and get more information on the Sticky Video Widget

View Sticky Video Demo



How to Style and Configure the Switcher Widget  

In the following article, we will guide you through configuring the settings, briefly explaining each section. The Switcher settings include two tabs, Content and Style, where you can customize various options accordingly.



Choose to add the list of content that users can switch on the menu. Add a suitable content, content type, as well as icon if required.


Choose the animation when users switch to another tab.


Switch Bar

In this section, choose the alignment of the switch bar, spacing between buttons, and bottom spacing. Select a suitable border color, box shadow, and border radius as background color.

Switch Buttons

In the switch buttons, choose the typography for the buttons, icon positioning as well as the icon size and its spacing. To give the tab a shape adjust the border radius and padding. Choose the color of the tab when active, normal, and when hovered upon.


The content of the switcher can also be customized in terms of text color, background color, padding, border type, border width, border radius, and typography.

Click on the demo button below to view more styles and get more information on the Switcher Widget

View Switcher Demo


How to Style and Configure Team Carousel Widget  

In the following article, we will guide you through configuring the settings, briefly explaining each section. The Team Carousel settings include two tabs: Content and Style, where you can customize various options accordingly.


In this section, choose to add the team member’s name, designation, and description.


In the settings, choose the image resolution, content display location, and social icon display.

Carousel Settings

 In the carousel settings, choose the number of slides to display at a time, the spacing between slides, and the stage padding. Additionally, decide whether the team carousel should autoplay, loop infinitely, and pause on hover. Select either navigation dots or arrows for users to move through the carousel.



In the container, choose the background type, color, border type, border width, border shadow, padding, and border radius.


Choose the text alignment and padding in this section.


Choose to change the image height, image width, its alignment, border radius, border type, and border width. Choose the border color and box shadow to give a detailed look.


Choose to change the typography, text color, and margin-bottom of the team member’s name.


Make changes to the typography text color the margin-bottom of the team members’ designation as well.

Social Links

For the social links, change the icon gap, size, padding, and border radius. Choose a different background color when the link is normal and when it is hovered upon.

Navigational Dot

For the navigational dot, choose the width, height, and spacing between and above the dots. Choose a suitable border type, border radius, and color when the navigational dot is active, hovered upon, and normal.

Navigational Arrow

For the navigational arrow, choose the width, height, icon size, and horizontal and vertical offset. Choose a suitable border type, border radius, and color when the navigational dot is hovered upon and normal.

Click on the demo button below to view more styles and get more information on the Team Carousel Widget

View Team Carousel Demo

Team Member


How to Style and Configure Team Member Widget  

In the following article, we will guide you through configuring the settings, briefly explaining each section. The Team Member settings include two tabs: Content and Style, where you can customize various options accordingly.



In this section, choose to add the team member name, designation, and description.

Social Links

Choose to add the social links of the members. Choose the title and add the icon as well.


In the settings, choose the image resolution, content display location, and social icon display.


In the container, choose the background type, color, border type, border width, border shadow, padding, and border radius.


Choose the text alignment and padding in this section.


Choose to change the typography, text color, and margin bottom of the team member’s name.


Make changes to the typography text color the margin-bottom of the team members’ designation as well.


As for the description, also change the typography according to your preference, text color, and bottom margin as well.

Social Links

For the social links change the icon gap, size, padding, and border radius. Choose a different background color when the link is normal and when it is hovered upon.

Click on the demo button below to view more styles and get more information on the Team Member Widget

View Team Member Demo



How to Style and Configure Testimonial Widget  

In the following article, we will guide you through configuring the settings, briefly explaining each section. The Testimonial settings include two tabs: Content and Style, where you can customize various options accordingly.


For the testimonial section, choose to add the team member’s name, designation, Testimonial title and the testimonial the member has given.

Quote Icon


Select a suitable icon for the testimonial quote, ensuring it allows size adjustments, position (both horizontal and vertical), and offset.


In this section, choose to select the image resolution, image shape, layout, testimony position, and testimony spacing.



In the style container section, choose the background type, color, and box shadow. Either place the text in the center, left, or right. To make the container more appealing, choose a border type and customize padding as well as border radius.

For the image that you have added to the testimonial container, change the image width, border type, border width, border color, box shadow, and bottom spacing.


In the name section, change the color, typography, color when the text is hovered upon, and bottom spacing as well.


As for the team members’ designation also change the color, typography, cand olor when the text is hovered upon and bottom spacing as well.


In the testimony, choose the background type, adjust the padding and border radius, and add a box shadow to the container.


As for the ratings, you can opt to choose a different color than the default and also customize the star size.


For the quote icon, you can also set its default color and define a different color for when it is hovered over.

Click on the demo button below to view more styles and get more information on the Testimonial Widget

View Testimonial Demo


How to Style and Configure Testimonial Carousel Widget  

In the following article, we will guide you through configuring the settings, briefly explaining each section. The Testimonial Carousel settings include two tabs, Content and Style, where you can customize various options accordingly.


For the testimonial section, choose to add the team member’s name, designation, Testimonial title, and the testimonial the member has given.

Quote Icon

Select a suitable icon for the testimonial quote, ensuring it allows adjustments in size, position (both horizontal and vertical), and offset.


In this section, choose to select the image resolution, image shape, layout, testimony position as well as testimony spacing.

Carousel Settings

In the carousel settings, choose the number of slides to display at a time, the spacing between slides, and the stage padding. Additionally, decide whether the team carousel should autoplay, loop infinitely, and pause on hover. Select either navigation dots or arrows for users to move through the carousel.



In this setting, choose to make changes to the container. Add background type, color, and box shadow. Choose where you want to align your text and add a border if you prefer.


For the image that you have added to the testimonial carousel, change the image width, border type, border width, border color, box shadow, and bottom spacing.


In the name section, change the color, typography, color when the text is hovered upon, and bottom spacing as well.  


As for the team members’ designation, also change the color, typography, cand color when the text is hovered over and bottom spacing as well.


In the testimony, choose the background type, adjust the padding and border radius as well as add box shadow to the container. Choose the color for title and content and change the typography as well.


For the quote icon, you can also set its default color and define a different color for when it is hovered over.

Navigational Dot

While choosing the navigational dot, you can make many changes to this section by choosing the width, height, spacing between and above dots, and also a border type. Choose the border color and radius. You can also customize the color when the navigational dot is normal, active,e and hovered over.

Navigational Arrow

For the navigational arrow, choose the width, height, icon size, and horizontal and vertical offset. Choose a suitable border type, border radius, and color when the navigational dot is hovered upon and normal.

Click on the demo button below to view more styles and get more information on the Testimonial Carousel Widget

View Testimonial Carousel Demo



How to Style and Configure Toggle Widget  

In the following article, we will guide you through configuring the settings, briefly explaining each section. The Toggle settings include two tabs: Content and Style, where you can customize various options accordingly.



In this section, choose to change the label of the toggle. Choose saved templates or create one on your own.


For the secondary part of the toggle, choose a suitable label as well as template.


In this section, select either the primary or secondary display as the default. Then, choose from various switch styles and place the toggle bar wherever you prefer.



In the switch settings, customize the toggle icon alignment, switch width, height, handle size, and the spacing between the switch and its label or content. Additionally, apply a switch box shadow and select appropriate background and handle colors for both primary and secondary options.


For the labels, select the font style, text color, and active text color for both primary and secondary text.


For the content in the box, choose to change the typography, text color, background type, color border type, box shadow, border radius, and padding as well.

Click on the demo button below to view more styles and get more information on the Toggle Widget

View Toggle Demo

Twitter Feed


How to Style and Configure Twitter Feed Widget  

In the following article, we will guide you through configuring the settings, briefly explaining each section. The Twitter Feed settings include two tabs: Content and Style, where you can customize various options accordingly.


Main Settings

In this setting, choose in which type you would want your Twitter post to appear. If you choose to show your profile handle, add your @ username and choose the display mode as well. Adjust the height of the post type and choose a light or a dark theme.

As for the Twitter post, you can adda  description and a relevant link to the post. Choose a theme and appropriate language as well.

To display the Twitter feed of another profile, add the profile link and customize the display settings, including mode, height, and theme of the feed.

If you wish to add a video to your Twitter feed, choose to add a video URL and choose the video width along with the language.

Click on the demo button below to view more styles and get more information on the Twitter Feed Widget

View Twitter Feed Demo

Vertical Tab

How to Style and Configure Vertical Tab Widget  

In the following article, we will guide you through configuring the settings, briefly explaining each section. The Vertical Tab settings include two tabs: Content and Style, where you can customize various options accordingly.


Add Tabs

In this section, choose to add the content to the vertical tab, add a suitable title, and choose a content type as well.


Choose the tab position, tab width, spacing, and content display animation.


Tab Container

Choose the background color, border type, border width, border color box shadow, border radius as well as padding for the container.

Tab Bar

For the tab bar, choose the background color, border color, box shadow, and border radius as padding.

Tab Buttons

As for the tab buttons, choose a typography. Make changes to the tab icon and tab buttons accordingly. Tab Icon For the tab icon, choose the positioning, icon size, and icon spacing. Tab Button For the tab button, add button spacing, choose a predefined button shape, and add padding as well. Choose a suitable background color for the button while in normal, hovered upon, and active.


For the content section, choose a suitable typography, color, background color, border type, and border width. You can opt to add a border color, box shadow, and border radius, and padding.


In the additional settings, choose the tab’s horizontal offset as well as the contents’ horizontal offset.

Click on the demo button below to view more styles and get more information on the Vertical Tab Widget

View Vertical Tab Demo

Vertical Timeline


How to Style and Configure Vertical Timeline Widget  

In the following article, we will guide you through configuring the settings, briefly explaining each section. The Vertical Timeline settings include two tabs: Content and Style, where you can customize various options accordingly.



In this section, choose to add the items to your vertical timeline. Add a title, meta, and description. Add icon to your timeline and a button if you require to give more information to your customers.


In the settings, choose the HTML tag, layout style, left as well as right block text alignments, and block spacing as well.


Time Point

Choose the time point size, background color, color and border width, and border radius as well. As for the timeline, choose an appropriate timeline color as well as timeline width.


For the meta, choose a background color, typography, border type as well as box shadow. Add a border radius, padding as well as margin to make it look more presentable.


For the content, choose a background color, border type, border width, border color, and box shadow. Customize it with a border radius, padding, and margin. Moreover, make changes to the image, title, and description.

Read More

Make changes to the read more button added. Choose a suitable typography, padding as margin. Customize the border type, box shadow, and border radius. Add color to the button while it is normal and hovered upon.

Click on the demo button below to view more styles and get more information on the Vertical Timeline Widget

View Vertical Timeline Demo

Video Player


How to Style and Configure Video Player Widget  

In the following article, we will guide you through configuring the settings, briefly explaining each section. The Video Player settings include two tabs, Content and Style, where you can customize various options accordingly.


Select the type of video to display: self-hosted, YouTube, or Vimeo. Set the start and end times, enable play controls, and choose whether the video should autoplay, loop, or play muted.

Play Button

For the play button, choose to show/ hide the button. Choose a suitable icon and button size, and add a suitable play button color.

Poster Image

Choose to show a custom poster and add an overlay color as well.

Click on the demo button below to view more styles and get more information on the Video Player Widget

View Video Player Demo



How to Style and Configure the Weather Widget  

In the following article, we will guide you through configuring the settings, briefly explaining each section. The Weather settings include two tabs, Content and Style, where you can customize various options accordingly.


Layout Section

In the layout section, choose the country and city of which the weather you want to show. Choose a temperature unit: Celsius or Fahrenheit. Choose a definitive style for your weather container.



For the container, choose the image resolution, background type, and color. Choose the position and display size. Moreover ,add a background overlay and padding and border radius to the container.


The header lets you apply a shadow effect to the image. In this section, customize the shadow’s color, position, type, and angle.


In this section, customize the color, typography, and margin of the added location.

Weather Icon

Modify the weather icon by selecting a color that complements your image or choosing a neutral tone. You can also adjust the icon size to fit your design.


In this section, make changes to the temperature color typography as well as the margin.

Weather Condition

In the weather condition section, choose to change the color of the typography as well as the margin.

Feels Like

The feels like section can also be customised in terms of color, typography, and the margin.


Choose to make changes to the date in terms of color, typography, and margin as well.

Click on the demo button below to view more styles and get more information on the WeatherWidget

View Weather Demo