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Home Forums Total Static Background to HomePage

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    Thanks again for all the support.

    I figured out how to change each HOMEPAGE sections background to display images rather than colors on the Extra CSS.

    My question is whether I can define large background picture say “homepage-bg.jpg” that certain sections will use:
    so if my website has
    – slider
    – about
    – featured
    – portfolio
    I can get that image to be shown only on the “about” and then continues at “portfolio”

    I know this is a tad complicted but i;ve seen it used in diffrent website that has “sections” and it looks very smooth, see an example: https://www.mylittlepiccolo.com/

    Thanks yet again


    I defined the background image and using this attrib in the CUSTIOM CSS:

    background: none;

    seems like doing the trick. is that okay?

    Is there a way to keep the image static like the example i gave abobe, i.e. making sure it doesnt scroll along with the sections?


    Okay apologies this has became a monolog

    this did the trick:
    body {
    /* Fallback for when there is no custom background color defined. */

    background-image: url(‘http://www.piccolo.co.il/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/main-background1.jpg’);
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-position: center;
    background-attachment: fixed !important;
    z-index: -1 !important;


    I managed all of the above but affected the pages as well.

    to avoid the issue created a class called “home-bg” and put in all these background attribs there.
    then on the homepage template i added <html class=”home-bg”>

    Now it’s all working, but i’m afraid to temper with the html class. is this right way to do it?

    thank you


    Its good as long as you manage it to work 😀 Just don’t update the theme.

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