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Home Forums Viral Mag Menu Bar

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  • #43031

    When screen resolution goes below 1470 px width, the menu bar breaks into two lines, with the upper line going below the top header bar and the lower line going below the bar.

    Enable Responsive Menu After function doesn’t seem to work.

    How can this breaking of the menu bar into 2 lines be avoided?

    Kind regards,



    Yes, we have “Enable Responsive Menu” with a maximum value of 1200 only. Basically, the mobile menu is displayed only after 768px.

    The only solution, for now, is to manage your menu by keeping them in sub-menu so that you don’t have lots of parent menu items.



    Thanks for the answer.

    Will you work on a solution of displaying all the necessary menu items in the parent menu without breaking them into two lines?


    No. I think there is nothing we can do regarding it. Because the mobile menu is meant to be shown at around 768px and displaying the mobile menu at above 1200px is something that anyone rarely uses.

    So the best way is to organize your menu into submenus so that you don’t have lots of parent menus.

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