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Home Forums Total Home Page Logo Is Gone

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    I have been using the free version of Total for a couple years now and within the last couple of updates, not quite sure which one, the Site Logo on the home page is now missing but works on all other pages. As well, if you are logged in to WordPress, the menu bar up top is no longer on the home page neither but it is on all other pages.

    To be clear (sometimes I muddy up the details) here is what I have done thus far:

    1: Enabled Front Page
    2: Hidden Site Title and Tagline
    3: Changed my logo that I had for years now to a new one 300×62 as suggested. (didn’t work)
    4: I cropped the image down a touch from suggested dimensions and it now appears on all pages BUT Front Page.

    So now here we sit on Front page with missing WordPress menu bar when logged in and missing Custom Logo Image I added. As indicated this has only happened within the last update or two of the theme and or WordPress. I’m not sure which is causing the situation.

    I appreciate any info. Take care!


    I did fail to mention 1 key detail, when I am in the WordPress admin panel looking at the Customize panel/Front Page, I can clearly see it let me add the logo image to the page. I can even save it. It however just does not show up on the website.

    If screen shots would help, I am all in.

    Thanks again.


    Hello again.

    A quick little update on this. I am not sure why the logo image was appearing on all pages but the Front Page but I decided one last thing. I made the image smaller (280 x 62) than what was recommended (300 x 62) and suddenly it worked. The front page is now back to how it has been working the last couple years.

    Not sure why or how or what is happening here but thought I would swing back by and mention it. Again, I am not sure if this is a Total issue since the theme has worked flawless for me the last couple years or if it is a WordPress deal.

    Take care and have a great day/night.



    From your last message, can i confirm that your issue is fixed? If not, please do let us know with your website URL.


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