Best On Page SEO Tips and Practices for WordPress Websites To Increase Your Traffic

An On Page SEO is an important part of any website. It makes your web pages friendly to the search engines bots to rank higher in the search engines. On Page refers to contents, HTML source codes, media, and links within the website. Optimizing all of them properly can ensure the maximum visibility of your web content on the internet.

In this article, we are going to talk about the best on-site SEO practices and tips that you can follow to optimize your web content and attract lots of traffics to them.

Best On Page SEO Practices for WordPress Website to Maximize the Visibility of Your Web Content

Proper Keyword Research and Usage:

Keywords are the first and most important part of SEO. It is a single word or phrase that defines the subject and information of the whole content. In general terms, it is the word or phrase that the users type on the search box to get the information. Therefore, before making a post/article live, it is really important to do proper keyword research. Otherwise, your whole content will be like pouring water on the sand.

On Page SEO

The keyword research includes figuring out the primary and most suitable keyword for your blog, analyzing its difficulty, search volume, and competition, and finding out the LSI keyword. So, you have to be clear about the topic that your content for the keyword selection process.

There are lots of keyword research tools that can help you to choose the valuable keyword for your posts. Some of them are free with limited features while others are paid.

We recommend you Google Keyword Planner. It is a free keyword search tool that lets you analyze the real-time keyword search per month, volume, competition, keyword difficulties, Cost Per Click (CPC), and enough LSI keywords as well.

On Page SEO

Title of the Content

Another important factor for On Page SEO is the Content Title. It will be the first thing that your visitors will view when your content appears on the search engine. So, placing an eye-catchy and attractive title can provide a good first impression on your content.

You can use tools like Headline Analyzer to build a great title for your blog.

On Page SEO

URL Slug:

The URL slug of a website plays a vital role in the SEO and site ranking of the website. It is a gateway for the web crawler to crawl your content. Normally, a URL of 3-5 words is given priority by the search engines.

The WordPress permalink settings allow you to choose the default permalink structure of your WordPress website. You can choose the URL from common settings or create custom URL structures. Once you have chosen the settings, WordPress will automatically choose the permalink you have configured.

Meta Description:

Meta Description is the text displayed just below the page title and URLs in the SERPs. It serves as a summary of the content. Since the users read the meta description without even opening the post, it should be properly written including the targetted keywords. Researches suggest that meta description increases the chances of Click Through Rate (CTR) of content. Hence, it an important factor in SEO.

Keyword Density

Maintaining the keyword density on your content is another important SEO technique. 

Keyword density refers to the repetition of the number of targeted keywords in specific contents. You have to maintain the optimum percentage of the targeted keywords in the overall content for a better SERP ranking. It is ideal to use the targeted keyword in the first 100 words (if possible) and in the last paragraph. The usage of the primary in every 700-1000 words will be great.

Use of LSI Keywords

Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) keywords is another important factor in On Page SEO. In order to rank better in the search engine, the essential usage of the LSI keywords is very important. These keywords will act as the helper to give a strong contextual to the search engine and users. 

On Page SEO

You can use the tools like LSIGraph to generate the LSI keywords for the content.

On Page SEO

Maintaining Heading Tags Hierarchy

There are 6 different header tags used in the website from h1 to h6. They make it easier for web crawlers to gauge the relevance of the web content. The proper usage of the headers categorizes the contents in the heading, subheading, and body. 

On Page SEO

In the hierarchy of headings, H1 text is an integral element of SEO. It is used as the page title of the content. So, search engines will look for the keywords in the h1 header to categorize and surface the content to the user.

Maintaining the proper heading hierarchy is essential to both search engines and user experience.

User Experience:

User experience is another important factor that affects the overall SEO of the website. It determines how long your visitors will stay on your website and the bounce rate. Therefore, the UX of your website is very important to the SEO of the website.

There are different factors that affect the UX of the website. Some of them are:

Page Speed

The page speed of your website is very important for the user experience and the SEO of the website. Even a second of the delay in the loading time of your website can impact the conversion rate. So, you must ensure to optimize the speed of your website to reduce the bounce rate. 

On Page SEO

There are various techniques to optimize the speed of your website. For more detail about these practices, you can check out the article: How to speed up your WordPress Website

Multimedia Optimization

Another way to keep your visitors sticking to the website is by placing some attractive yet relevant multimedia on your web content. The media include different formats of images, videos, infographics, diagrams, etc. Adding such relevant adds extra beauty to the content. In terms, On Page SEO optimizing multimedia is a vital task. For the optimization, you can add an alternative title consisting of keywords, image description, reduction of image size, etc.

Make your Content Easily Sharable

In the past decade, social media has been undoubtedly the best platform to share your content for user engagement. It plays a significant role in driving large traffic to your website.

On Page SEO

So, we highly recommend you add a social share button on your web content to make it sharable on various social media platforms.


The design of the website is another important part of user experience. In recent trending, internet browsing using mobile devices has risen hugely. Therefore, making your website responsive to all the devices is very important to keep your users happy. 

You can use the Mobile-Friendly Test Tool by Google to test the responsiveness of your website.

On Page SEO


Linking is one of a great way to increase the Domain Authority (DA) and Page Authority (PA) to elevate your site ranking. Before, the Google Penguin update, different link building schemes were practiced by the webmasters to rank higher in the SERPs. However, the Google Penguin update has discouraged the practice for the creation of unnaturally. So, in order to add value to your post, you need the linking to the relevant and high-quality content.

Internal Linking

Internal Linking means the process of linking one post to another page/post on the same website. It serves as the bridge between the knowledge gap among the users on a certain subject. You can send links to a page/post with the detailed content through an anchor text. It provides easy access to your users to learn more about the topic. 

On Page SEO

As for the SEO perspective, internal linking enables your users to navigate different contextual pages within the website and engage them for a longer time period.

Outbound Linking

Outbound links are the links that you direct your audience to another website. It is the way of building trust among the website visitors by sending them to another domain. It works as evidence that your content is based on plenty of results and data. In addition, it opens the door to build good relations with another blog and provide a possibility to link back to your website.

On Page SEO

An outbound link does help in the SEO of the website. There are 2 types of outbound links: do-follow and no-follow. The no-follow link will tell the search engines not to follow the links while the do-follow link passes ranking power from your website to other targeted pages. The decision to whether have a do-follow or no-follow link entirely depends upon site authority. The benefits of having outbound links are to increase relevancy, increase trust, and add value to the content.

Quality Content

Last but not the least, creating quality content is another important factor of On Page SEO. Till now, various Google Algorithm updates have focused on improving the quality of the content to add value for the readers, provide a solution to their queries, guide them properly, and give insightful ideas. Quality content is written from the user’s perspective in order to fill the knowledge gaps. There are different tools that check the uniqueness of the content. You can try them out.


These are the techniques that you can follow to make your web content SEO friendly. It will boost the search engine ranking of your contents but also increase the conversion rate of your website.

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